Tuesday, September 8, 2015

2 grader was expelled for online criticism mother uniforms "bad"

Ms. Nguyen Thanh Hieu (District 2, HCMC) did not hide the urgent reflection: Just because a few words she complained personal page on the school uniform that her son was young Le Quang Minh H. (born in 2007 ) was International School VSTAR dismissal from school.Ms. Hieu said: "On 05/20/2015 I have to write a personal share on facebook about their children's uniforms, typically 2-wire tie. Because my family is often busy in the morning, but my son does not know how to tie, sometimes in a hurry, I usually wear the wrong, sometimes waist do not withdraw affair ".

She can compare school tie and tie VSTAR of a primary school in South Korea. Accordingly, the form of the South Korean tie sewn fixed, for the washing machine spin crazy not to lose form bung bottom, bright students to attend open eyes closed eyes can also set up a decent neck . But the tie pattern of the fabric rope VSTAR 2, to tie into one another ingenious new form tie.
According to her, tie in uniform at school VSTAR (District 7, HCMC) is hard wearing with elementary school students, even keeping the same 2 wires not lost to them was something not easy.
According to Hieu's wife, even adults are very difficult to tie a tie was neatly infant
Ms. Hieu said, after sharing on social networks, by December 20/06/2015 homeroom teacher of little Ming H. had telephoned to invite her to meet the school board. Now take me to Hieu's wife was on holiday in Hanoi should have told her teacher H. if something urgent, then send the content that schools should inform you via personal email. But then she did not receive any information from the school.
She also carefully asked her teacher Ming H. on time because she does not keep pace admission exam Placement English teacher said about 15/8 will learn formally, so she is very reassuring for the summer holidays. On 3/8, a neighbor saw the child attend the new assistant fire when she said the school has started the new school year, she set off to school, then the message: The sister is not continued at the school.
Hieu's wife said: "I met Mr. Huynh Chau Loc (in charge of the school of fine corpus), it was Mr. Loc said that, the educational environment of the school does not conform with the family should decide not to continue to children learn more. Mr. Loc said that, something bad tie is not the fault of the VSTAR. There is a bit like that speaks harshly, saying lightly. We do not tolerate those words affect schools. If this information more than that, it will be like ?! ". Even Mr. Loc also confirmed: If a tie, I would not be tied to her child, she does not have the parenting skills (!).
Extremely upset at this behavior of the school, Hieu's wife has asked the school must provide a written stating legitimate reasons why her children may not continue to study. She said: "Before 3/8, I still receive e-mail notification about school activities such as summer school, extracurricular ... but again without any public announcement about my child being forced stay school. If there is a meeting of the school board regarding my child's needs to give me the minutes of that meeting. However, Mr. Loc refused and said that it was only a talk mouth without record (!) ".
Hieu's wife admitted words in paragraphs that can share a bit too, but she just wanted to comment on the tie, not bring fame to speak on the social network and only for individual words this school is a little expelled completely ridiculous.
Ms. Hieu said, since the release transcripts forced her son out of school so far I do not get any feedback on the official reason from the school. Ming H. little time has been moved to study at another institution.
To the school refused to meet the press and said that this is the work between the school and parents, the school is organizing a meeting about this, when there is official information, the school will contact the parent to do work.

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