Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Former student teacher provocative by ... "facebook"

Youth age 21 and up Facebook titled phone number of old teacher and published several pornography, sexual purpose "provocative".
Former student teacher provocative by ... "facebook"
On 4.9, Colonel Nguyen Hong Quan - police chiefs districts of Ca Mau province - said the decision was administratively sanctioned 3 million for Chen Chi Ling (21 years old, live hatching Nguyen Hue, Tan By , Thoi Binh) behavior "Spreads document and information content fabrications, which affect the prestige and honor of others." At the same time, meeting people and forced Linh review public apology victims.
Investigations by local police: Several months ago, the young man set up Facebook called KC and phone number of her stated NKC (teacher Tan Bang Primary School), and published many sexual content, click Education.
Her family said C, since the incident occurred, these teachers themselves have faced many inconveniences, as friends, colleagues said the talk into. Even, there are a lot of strange phone calls to her phone number C mention of sex workers, so families have the police report.
While the police are in the districts of the mid-month survey 8.2015, object texted her repeatedly having to C demanded sex, and will remove Facebook.
A coroner said that her C tracing information provided, police have identified who made her fake Facebook C is Spirit. The process worked, the young man admitted his behavior.
Worth mentioning, Ling served as her former student C.

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