Monday, August 31, 2015

Falling from 4th floor elevator, he escaped miraculously Tools

When Nguyen Thuan tools (70 years) using the elevator of Danang Hospital C when suddenly the elevator falling freely from the 4th floor to the ground floor.
Elevator aforementioned crash happened around 10:30 this morning (31.8), making the 2 instruments Thuan broken leg, head trauma ... but survived.Elevator falls from 4th floor, he escaped miraculously instruments - 1
Elevator free fall caused serious injuries Thuan tool has been discontinued use.
According to Vo Thi Ha Hoa doctor - Deputy Director of Hospital C: At that time, the instrument Thuan visit a patient who is being treated in hospital. When Thuan specific use elevator of building No. 4 Inner-AIO to move when suddenly the elevator falls from 4th floor rocketed to the ground floor, making his tools broken leg, torn skin of the chin, head .
"After the accident, immediately Thuan instrument was brought to the emergency department at Trauma, full body X-ray ... Now the victim has returned to wakefulness," Ms Hoa said.
Reportedly, the building's functional Noi-Da Hospital C was inaugurated in March 11.2013 and is still in the warranty period.
After falling elevator incident, hospital leaders and relevant units are conducting the assessment recorded in writing and cause of the incident, Ms Hoa said.

Shaken: soak youngest mother to death 2 twins

A mother kills her case recently shocked the nation. Two twin babies was only 2 years old and the mother of his drowned to death, in Arizona, USA.
Last Sunday, in the city of Avondale (Arizona, USA), a 22 year old mother named Mireya Alejandra Lopez has hit the country heartless sons of his twin in a bathtub at home.
Even then this person was trying to hit his brother countries, but has family members in detecting and preventing timely basis.USA: Mothers hit the water to die young twins age 2 - 1

Mireya Alejandra Lopez, 22, was indicted two counts of murder and intending to murder.
Instantly, she's two children called 911 to ask for the assistance of police, at about 12:30 the same day. When police and rescue forces arrived, the children were placed on the bed in a bedroom. Rescuers had to twins aid before taken to a nearby hospital.
However, Mr. Ron Deadman, Director of Administration of the city of Avondale Fire said, these children may have drowned in a bathtub.USA: Mothers hit the water to die young twins age 2 - 2
2 year old twins were deliberately killed himself
Told police she confessed Mireya was deliberately killed two children. "Mireya said the investigators that she had tried to kill another child in the house, but was stopped by the family," Avondale police said.
Third child beaten not injured, but the police refused to provide information before the incident movements have official survey.
Father of two ill-fated child, brother Sam Avitia said Mireya suffer from anxiety and depression, but she never threatened anyone or show signs of external violence.
Show case for which the city police continue investigation Avondale.

Bra of young girls give up causing death

Female 41 year-old German tourist while walking cycling with her husband in the town of Gadebusch (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany) accidentally strayed into a wild boar hunting area without even knowing it.
While cycling, the woman suddenly felt a pain in his chest. She immediately looked down and saw his shot, but the metal frame inside the bra has support helped make her rounds with only a bruise on his chest.
The husband found a hunter in the field next to it and immediately go to talk, however this person immediately denied his allegations had fired shots go off target.
The woman was immediately brought to the hospital but except bruises on his chest, she did not encounter any other dangerous wound.
Police were called to the scene with metal detectors and sniffer dogs to search for more traces related to the shooting to find the culprit behind the incident.
Andre Falke, spokesman for police forces in Gadebusch said the body of a wild boar was found near the scene of an incident, this suggests stray bullet hit the woman very dangerous and can cause a murder.
Show Gadebush police are conducting investigations to find out cases with negligence when the shooting of the hunters or not and also investigate whether signposts hunting area has been installed correctly No.

Surprise find parrots route them after 100 years

Parrot green anemones (night parrot) Comfort extinct since the early 20th century was found in a desert in Queensland, Australia.
Parrot green anemones alive last seen in 1912. After finding two parrot died in 1990 and 2006, it was certified this is extinct parrots on earth.
For over 100 years, some people claim that they have seen this rare parrot species but can not provide evidence for his statement.

Dr. Murphy and parrot green chamber has been found.
But finally the moment is considered complete after 100 years of sacred history of organisms came when researchers found a parrot alive and record the eloquent proof of the existence of secret parrots This hidden. Parrot rocked the industry this creature was named Pedro. The researchers also attached chip tracking and seeking to protect one of the rarest species of the earth.
"I was this parrot fascinated since I was a boy. Their story, their life attracted me ... "Dr. Steve Murphy, research experts said green parrot neck cavity. "We've lost a lot of native species, more than any place on earth, and over many years, we have thought I would have lost this parrot species."
Green parrots living compartment usually leave the nest at night and had to fly nearly 8km in search of food. It is unclear how many parrots survived but the researchers said they will keep secret nesting parrots to protect them.
Even a team of scientists is looking to raise funds to buy back the land desired nay.Voi can find many parrot species extinction here.

Teach how to use guns, hand crushed his father selling his son

A 12 year old girl living in Florida certainly will never forget the lesson of how to use a gun that his father taught.
Police were called to the house in Florida (USA) after a shotgun fired a 12 year old girl was wounded in the arm.The police officer said the girl's father accidentally shot to children while teaching how to use sung.Day using guns, dad sold his son's hand crushed
She was taken to hospital in stable condition while the father is being questioned at the scene.
A neighbor named Kara Perez said gunshots were heard loud before her views with the forearm bent left home about 10 minutes later with the medical staff.
Perez described her face showed that she was quite painful.
Representatives from the police have confirmed the incident will be sent to the State Attorney's office to determine the appropriate sanction.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Appalled with deformed fetuses stomach parasites on boys

According to medical journals APSP by the Organization of pediatric surgery Pakistan released in 2011, a boy was born healthy with a meat block excess located in epigastric region. Through research, be aware this is a deformed fetus or can be called a fish parasite attached to the body of the boy. Then when the baby was hospitalized just turned 1 month old.

fetal malformation
Apart deformed body, boys still have quite a stable health and weight 5kg property. The parents and the baby's siblings have absolutely no health problems.Tests later showed parasitic fetus size 6 x 4cm is only just in the embryonic stage of initial formation. It also has a head, arms, legs and external genitals. Individual person twin boys have developed over cons of epigastric hernia where the intestine. In addition, the doctors did not find any signs of calcified fetus.Do your body and individual boys are not common parasitic organs should doctors conducted surgery to remove this type of conjoined fetuses. Fortunately, surgery is deformed fetus separated out was successful and the baby was discharged after 8 days.

Surprise find gold warehouse seabed from wreck

Among the gold coins found at the sea bottom yellow warehouse, has both copper Escudo rare and valuable capital is offered to the king of Spain.
Known gold found in project salvage 5 days only a small part of a larger treasure. Selected location to salvage quite close to the previously discovered artifacts.
William Bartlett, a diver, said, "The gold coins looked as if they had just fallen into the sea only yesterday."
William says his hobby is diving, so he did not treasure hunt for the money and refused to disclose the amount of money that he received from treasure million on.
William was one of many divers have contracts with companies to salvage the wreck in 1715 Fleet-Queens Jewels, which owns this ancient wreck.
Gold warehouse seabed to back from 1715 when a fleet of 11 boats were sunk storm en route from Havana to Spain. A variety of rare artifacts are now scattered all over the bottom of the water in the eastern coast.

The latest air crash Ridge is a great airport

The small tourist plane of Air Saguenay Airlines was carrying six people crashed into the mountain has suddenly, in a wooded area in Les Bergeronnes, near Quebec City, Canada. Police confirmed all 6 people aboard were killed, including the pilot and five passengers.
Police said no emergency signal from the crashed plane before. Very good weather conditions at the time the plane took off.
Currently the cause of the plane crash is the latest Safety Commission and Transport Canada investigation.
"We will examine the wreck, data collection and imaging to serve in the investigation process. Then we will interview witnesses and representatives of airlines, "Ms Julie Leroux - a member of the Commission and Transport Canada Safety - said.
Vice President Airlines Air Saguenay - Mr. Jean Tremblay said: "very good weather conditions at the time the plane crashed, so clear weather is not the cause of the accident".
The pilot controls the plane crashed is said to have 6,000 hours of flight experience and working for Air Saguenay Airlines for 14 years. Meanwhile, the aircraft crashed was less Beaver aircraft, produced since 1956.

Extreme anger, the girl burned alive because not all lottery tickets

More specifically, on 26/8, a source said, police Bac Binh district (Binh Thuan) remains under surveillance by Vy Nguyen Thi Kim Xuan An implied Quarter 1, the town is burned Market Floor lightly and treated at North General Hospital in Binh Thuan.
KL own grandchildren (12 years old) Ms. Wei was pouring the gasoline, fuel has been moved into the city on the evening of 25/8 treat burns caused by too heavy and are critical of lives. The important thing, she is the biological mother Vy girl burned alive above
Reportedly, due to take up the baby's father has been absent from KL two parts this year mother selling lottery tickets. On 25/8, whether on the harbor but still not sold out of parts of that mother receive from agents about, so I retained 30 sheet of $ 300 thousand.
In the afternoon the same day by the whole of the winning ticket is not yet retained, bitter mother were beaten brutally KL. Then, out of control angry Vy brought gasoline poured on the girl and arson.
Due to overheating, Baby L was rushed to hug her mother made Vy burns but also lighter. Both mother and daughter were neighbors put out the fire in the North General Hospital emergency Binh Thuan.
According to the North General Hospital in Binh Thuan, baby KL 1 + 2 degree burns to over 60% of the area burned body.

Detection of egg than 2000 years ago in ancient tomb

On 24/8, an egg than 2,000 years old were discovered in an ancient tomb chishui waterfront, Guizhou Province, China.
This is the first time such a strange egg was discovered in an ancient tomb in Guizhou. Archaeological team is "a headache" because not found a way to put the egg when it was too soft.

Strange egg lifespan of 2,000 years.
Hoang Kim Loan only monument located on the waterfront chishui township Prime City is the largest monument is open only in Guizhou arts to this point.
Archaeological team has discovered a lot of pottery and animal bones in a tomb of the Han dynasty 2,000 years.
The special thing, a yellowish ball found the pile of pottery.
"When you use a feather duster over gently, surface cracking ball," Zhang Restoration lock, head archaeologist team said. "We have to look carefully and thoroughly compare finally determined it was a strange egg"
Do buried in the ground too long, can not distinguish between yolk and egg white. However, according to observers, the eggshell was preserved intact.
Detection of eggs in ancient tombs not only the first occurrence in the history of archeology in Guizhou, but also it is something very rare in China. Previously, chicken eggs have also been discovered in tombs in Henan, Shanxi and Chongqing. The tombs have in common is that all have from the Han dynasty.
According to witnesses, the smaller eggs chicken eggs sold today. But why bury the eggs together in the tombs? Restoration Lock said Zhang Han regarded as living dead to articles intended to be burned alive when a buried ceramic material. Similarly, wine, cereals and eggs ... all the things they used to eat when life became buried objects.
Currently, the staff of the archaeological team are looking to put up because eggs can just touch it will break immediately. "If done in the traditional way using plaster coating method may take up but then again it is difficult to separate the plaster off the surface of the egg," said Zhang Improvement Course. Though brought up successfully but how to preserve an egg with 2,000 year life is another story.

Keep 4 killer in the 71 truck bodies stuffed cause shock

Earlier, Austrian police discovered a truck abandoned on the motorway A4 near the border with Hungary on the morning of Thursday, 27.8. The truck filled with bodies who are in phase decomposition.Getting 4 for 71 bodies were stuffed in trucks in Austria

The truck contained 71 bodies were discovered decomposing on the highway Austria
Austrian police said Wednesday, the bodies of 71 migrants were taken off trucks left on the highway, from the border with Austria - Hungary 30 km. Migrants may have suffocated or dying of thirst from a day and a half or two days before.
Local police chief said, according to the papers found inside the vehicle can surmise this is migrants from Syria.
"Judging by our initial victims are immigrants, possibly from Syria," said Hans Peter Doskozil, provincial police chief Burgenland (Austria) said.
60 of the 71 victims were men. 8 dead were women, the rest are three children, aged respectively 2, 3 and 8.
The victims are believed to have died inside the car when it was crossing the border from Hungary into Austria.
Hans also said initial investigations showed that the two sides of the vehicle does not have ventilation holes.
The incident shocked the whole of Europe when the old continent is proving generally failed in handling the crisis as hundreds of thousands of immigrants poured in from the Middle East, Africa and Western Balkans since the beginning of 2014.
Only last month, the number of immigrants crossing the border in European countries has risen to a record high of 107,500 people. Many people had to pay huge sums for the traffickers to cross the border.
Highway truck Austria where detection is one of the main migration routes from East to West Europe, Austrian police said. Many migrants move from Turkey to Greece and then through the Balkans to Hungary. This way the risk is less than the Mediterranean Sea.
Thousands of migrants are believed to have been killed while trying to enter Europe through the streets of the Mediterranean. Newest, today Thursday, 8/27, hundreds of people may have died when two boats carrying migrants sank off the coast of Libya.

The tragic lives of teen mothers India

Everyday life Ranjana Kumari of a little girl 16 years old in poor rural areas of India is a repetitive sequence of the job bored washing, breastfeeding and wrestle with housework. Kumari has no other choice because I was forced to become a single parent at age 15 because of rape and now have to care for children 11 months of his age.Kumari was the only girl in a family of carpentry in Bihar state of India. Before working single mom, she used to be a good student, with a promising future and many dreams of becoming a teacher. However, a big event that my life has changed completely and also shattered dreams in smoke.Tragic life of teenage mothers in India - 1

Ranjana Kumari 16, a victim of rape and 11 month old son.

In Kumari, 15, while on his way home from a festival was held at the school, she suddenly caught a man to a deserted area, gagging and raping. Kumari recalls: "It was around 3 pm, I was walking home from school alone, a man suddenly being dragged from behind". When was raped, she was still wearing his uniform on him. Name predators were gagging Kumari so she could not call for help and repeatedly raped for 30 minutes. After the crime, the threat name, Ranjana forbidden to disclose it outAt this point, realize new Kumari, rapists're the one more month before each knock on her door to raise money for a local music festival. "After I had about $ 2 donation, that guy started asking where my school name and school. He's a human capital, so I have little fear and honestly answer all questions, "said Ranjana. 5 days later, she started to notice this guy regularly take children to school. "I did not dare tell anyone for fear of insulting others is her skittish. In the village, people always pour sins on the head of the girl. "Tragedy struck on the head continued teenage girl is when she discovered she was pregnant after being raped on. After learning she was pregnant in the 4th month, she had to tell the truth with parents knowing will suffer the consequences. "An unmarried but pregnant girl in my village was a horrible thing because my whole family will be humiliated badly." Ranjana suffering.Tragic life of teenage mothers in India - 2
How Ranjana village not far away, another girl named Rukhsar also moi16 age, are in similar circumstances. "I was raped while in class. Name predators is a person in the village and we have to call him uncle, "said Rukhsar. "Uncle" has referred to a class Rukhsar and acting immorally towards her. Although much pain physically and mentally, but the girl did not dare tell the parents of fear will not continue to go to school. Now, Rukhsar to stay home and care for the boy is just 3 months old, is the result of rape earlier times at school.Ranjana and Rukhsar just 2 of the many cases of "teenage mother reluctantly" in the eastern states of India today. The little girl after rape horror continues to grapple with the worst consequences like to single born and raised unwanted children, can not continue with school trouble walking resume or tragedy than can not find a possible future husband. The "teenage mothers" have suffered many tragic stories pile from a young age, which the British Daily Mail called the "shame of Indian culture".The perpetrators cause the tragedy on to easily escape legal punishment by giving the compensation agreement with the victims' families. In many cases, the victim is forced to accept the amount of compensation and not be denounced to the policeTragic life of teenage mothers in India - 3
Even, many rape victims in India are willing to silence, to forget the incident as perpetrators expect to marry her. Mr. Mohammad Farooque Alan, social workers in the state of Bihar, said the arrest of the perpetrators of rape are delays in India partly because the victims feared to denounce, or parents expect victims perpetrators will marry his daughter. For example Ranjana's case, she said: "When my parents knew the truth, they went straight to the house of that name. My father was begging him to accept the baby and marry me but that guy just said that I lied and threatened to kill me. At that time, I understand, his life as ended ".However, the girl refused to abortion, saying, keep your child may benefit the arrests the predators in the future or make him move the recollection that turned her wedding.Ranjana birth at a hospital in August last year. Now, she was at home all day to take the shirking society and feel inferior, ashamed of having a child is the result of a rape."I look at the baby and cry every day. The lives of the two of us were completely ruined. There will be no man would dare to love and care for my mother anymore. I know what to say to me when he grows up. Though not know how dark the future but I still have to live on, "said Ranjana upset.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Eagerly to find gold in bus

In Jinan, China with a bus covered in gold containing gold to the amount of 17.5 billion and people are allowed to climb to find gold.A famous jewelry company in China named SJONO gave up the idea of ​​a school bus full of gold and inlaid parade every neighborhood to make more people interested. In addition, companies also allow some lucky visitors set foot on the car to look for gold. This is one form of advertising "playful" to promote the company.

The gold-plated bus on display
Gold decorated and hung on the carThe company has hired a PG with the costume female gold-plated, and gold jewelry she carries to introduce to the company. The value of women's human PG is up to 1 billion yuan of about 3.5 billion VND.Jewelry company wants to advertise widely to all people with this form of advertising.
Gold will be hidden on the bus and asked if someone earns, they will be received. This is when everyone heard very excited and wanted to get up and see the magic sword.The total value of gold ornaments and hid on cars worth 5 million yuan (approximately 17.5 billion).Obviously, the job is not too hard to understand Jinan city is focusing much of China's richest people.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The restaurant launched way "closer skirt butt, eat at cheaper prices"

A Chinese restaurant in Jinan province made a positive guise unique promotion when measured dress for every woman to use food here.

Accordingly, Yang Jia restaurant - serving hotpot place to aggressive discounts to what she had to eat in a short skirt to not be shorter. The staff at the restaurant will use a tape measure to measure how many bare patch of skin from the knee to go back to the edge of skirt.Promotions this fun was held last weekend with the participation of dozens of women. The girls stood in line to take the foot was measured with hopes of getting a 20% discount coupon for your bill.Some beautiful images recorded on the day the restaurant launched way "closer skirt butt, eat at cheaper price":

Shocked with the man fell to the ground from the 8th floor but just bruised foot

According to The Star newspaper reported on Friday 7/6 evening, a man (not disclose names) was only slightly bruised fall straight down to the ground from the 8th floor of the apartment complex in Bagan Ajam town, in the state Penang, Malaysia.Latest news update, this man is an advertising staff, coming from Kuala Lumpur city. For ease of travel, he and another couple rented an apartment in the 10-storey apartment building in Bagan Ajam. Livelihoods increasingly difficult made him have expressed depression. Currently, it is unclear why he fell from the eighth floor of the building are living.

Numerous people gathered at the scene and was amazed to see men (thumbnail) not only unhurt but weeping phoned his father.It was told by a local resident living near where the incident occurred, when sitting in the room, suddenly heard a loud noise so I immediately ran to the parking lot at the apartment to find out and then feel incredible truth before the final results because he thought the victim did not survive.One other neighbor said: "I saw him crying and lying on his back on the ground. The ambulance arrived very quickly and immediately transported him to hospital. "Official information from Abdul Rahman Ibrahim Sheriff Seberang Prai district said the main character in this bizarre incident experienced mental illness treatment at Selayang Hospital.

Doctors do girls lose their virginity before the wedding 1 day

A Chinese girl trying to preserve their virginity until her wedding night but ended up losing "the thousands of gold" in the hands of her male doctor before getting married one day.Latest News Updates from The China Daily, a girl named Wang (22) in Nanjing of Jiangsu Province (China) was reported to the police after due detected vulvar bleeding when doctors use virginity test instruments.Illustration.According to the understanding, Ms. Wang was originally born in an educated family should always very preserving qualities. During the time I went to school and when contracted boyfriend, she just stopped in to kiss and fondle and not have to boyfriend took away the most precious daughters. She had refused to have sex before marriage with his fiancé quite often. Fortunately, the boyfriend of Wang agrees with this viewpoint before the aisle should have tried to restrain himself to protect her virginity.At the decisive moment of marriage, the couple had agreed to a comprehensive health examination and by the way to Wang prove his innocence before the wedding day. However, unfortunately when tested virginity, Wang's hymen was torn by the device examined by a doctor.Panic and outrage, Ms. Wang went to call the police to solve.Through mediation conducted several times, the doctor examined her crew finally Wang also promised ready compensation for damage they cause.

Motivation makes women like "rain clouds" with "gigolo"

A study conducted by Dr Sarah Kingston (Lancaster University) and Dr. Natalie Hammond (Manchester Metropolitan University) recently showed that pay to sleep with the "gigolo" is the new trend of women England.Currently, British women are too busy with daily relationships and work. So like men often seek to relieve SSWs, women are also willing to spend money to select "mates bed" for the night "rain clouds".Accordingly, the female customers would order a meal with "village boy play" at fancy restaurants. Next, the girls will be massaged relax and finally enjoy fun moments.

Service is also known under the name "boyfriend experience '

According to statistics, the number of men had paid for sex with women in the UK for 5 years has increased 3 times, reached a total of 15,000 people.Besides, the research has revealed the most detail on the subject is always in English corners for years. Include:- A record number of women paying to be "cuddly" are of all ages and social status, centered around ages 30 and 40.- Many women pay to be "in love" is celibacy but did not want to take the time for a serious relationship- Many women had lovers but still want sex life with a little extra "spice".With increasingly busy work and telecommunications networks is growing, women today often learn and agreements "rain clouds" with "handsome" by telephone or Internet.Dr Kingston also said that she and her colleagues currently are trying to discover what is the motivation that many women today have demands, "How handsome," so much. The research will revolve around the experience and specific information such as where they usually buy sex and with whom, and whether the level of safety in relation to it.

Stainless re.n heard trembling woman in cemetery kh.oa Chaozhou

Latest News update yesterday (ie 19/5), Binh Duong Provincial Police confirm arrest are still provisional Dang Minh Khanh (19 years), Nguyen Kim Tai (22, same hometown Dong Thap) and Huynh Cuong (18 years old, born in Phu Yen province) to continue the investigation of serious offenses such as murder, robbery, forcing others system. At the same time, authorities are also arrest a suspect sex among women is also on the property crimes consumption by others from criminal activity.Specific movements of the work determined in the morning 10/30/2014, an unnamed man was carrying a girl scarred face was bleeding before police precinct headquarters Tan Dong Hiep, Di An, Binh Duong Province.According to testimonies from good-hearted man, at 2pm the same day, while he was sleeping in the house awoke alarmed by mournful cries of a woman in the home straight outlook from the cemetery next door. Moans echoing the night came out from the desolate graveyard made man floating fear thorny, but who need help should worry have had the courage to open the door to go out looking. Immediately, he saw the silhouette front porch of a woman not naked, panicking speak without a sound, motioned with his hand for help.Have to wait a very long time after, when people are injured on basic care, this new woman sadly shared heartbreaking stories of faith and humanity.
Just because you believe that the girl paid a hefty price for the drink "quiet, not expensive" cemetery in ChaozhouVictims named Nguyen Thi Vui (live in Binh Duong) was married to a young man from the same region of Soc Trang but after giving birth to her first child, the divorce because of conflicts. To make a living, Please leave the countryside to the Pacific started a job. Here, she was acquainted with a young man named Sung masonry and decided to live together as husband and wife. From her husband, she used more Finance, Cuong Khanh. This is a group of friends as well as colleagues of "husbands contingency".Gradually, she considered them his friends, everyone has the spare time to call "eight" story. As many conflicts arise with your new husband, she always calls and Khanh confide Resources to relieve feelings deadlock and also asked them to exhort "loving husband" back.On that fateful day (29/10), Sung door lock that she could not go out into the room where the phone is unable to communicate. Thinking only "you" can get "married", she hurried across the room to ask for help these people. At that time, this group of friends advised her to break up "contingency husband" and the group walked along the dorm room. Just set foot on to the room, see "contingency husband" are fun to talk to the girl in the room opposite, fun enough avail instant decision by not spoken to sung words, take the key to invite Khanh, Finance , strength inside and then go and buy meat dragging.Still seemed sad and angry attacks, until about 20:30, Please continue to invite three men go drinking rose 3. As you believe, so when the party discusses the cemetery Chaozhou drinks for "quiet, back off costs poor, "she agreed without a doubt. The fun drag to nearly midnight, when demand on the mainland was fun party retained.At this point, they tied his hands with cords and dragged into deep Please cemetery to acting immorally. After satisfying animalistic, we stripped of money and personal belongings of fun, while trying to kill her to silence clue. Drew loud rock hit in the head and face fun until no longer hear the groans. Action done, because they have absorbed a little enamel not check carefully, thinking that the victim died immediately discarded.Fortunately Fun narrowly escaped death and woke up at about 1:30 the next morning. Gom disabled little power, she crawled into homes nearby to call for help.
Believes that this is a wake lesson lonely soul but gullible and always looking for a friend confided venting elected without regard to the level of "primary body" in a relationship.

SOS mothers of children with ex-husband beat, rob children

The tragedy of his young wifeRecently, the mass media are simultaneously reflected incident Nguyen Thi Thu Ha and Nguyen Kim Hoa native (and resident at the above address) when the City. Nam Dinh Phung welcome her son was her ex-husband Quoc Bao Phung Anh Tuan's brother (born in 1982 - at 2/6 lane 31 Tran Phu Nam Dinh) beaten that her sister Ha and Hoa was badly injured right hospital emergency room. Then, Tuan and some people were pulling her hand snatch the child from the US to carry on. So far the child has not been back in with mom by decision of the Court divorce.As described by Ms. Nguyen Thu Ha and mother, Nguyen Kim Hoa (SN 1967, at the same address), after marrying Phung Anh Tuan, 2008, she gave birth to a baby boy was Phung Quoc Bao. But not understand for whatever reason, from the day she was born Bao, Tuan temperament became unruly, brute. Tuan frequent excuse for beating his wife at any time, even when she held the baby Ha is still pose pedal stormed into people, her face Ha as dui mother and daughter fell to the ground.
Ms. Ha has repeatedly fled to avoid the lash of her husband and writing of the report to the police precinct but somehow is not resolved, you only get the answer "the family, the couple should be several home security ". Being able, Tuan increasingly abused and beat her more, even beat her mother, Mrs. Nguyen Kim Hoa. Ms. Ha has applied for divorce and in 2010, Hoang Mai District Courts have resolved that the couple divorce, child custody sister Ha Tuan Bao also responsible monthly child support allowance.

Conspiracy to rob you, beat his wife and mother and wifeMs. Ha said, after divorce, Tuan took another wife but not to spare her mother live peacefully Ha. Tuan constantly send messages cursing with obscene words, and even threatened to beat threatened to kill us both. Both mother and daughter with her sister Ha States has always tried to do swallowed everything more stressful. Tuan has been visiting children when needed and are obliged to send money to care for her counsel. However, Tuan proved more aggressive and hooligan. On 26-11- 2011, by the grandson Bao seriously ill, and his mother gave the baby her US visit at Thanh Nhan Hospital (Hanoi). When she was looking grandchildren States Bao Tuan surprise find, stormed the hospital beat her then United affectionately began calling Mrs. Ha to meet. When Ms. Ha is going up but were caught and beaten Tuan in the hospital, many people see but do not dare to intervene because Tuan too aggressive.Not stopping there, the day 17-5, Ha sister go shopping, she is in the care of their grandchildren States shall Tuan to play, light sweet permission to take her shopping for clothes storage. But then brought me Bao never came back.See several days not take me home, because I was sick so she Ha Bao and her car United began to find her to Nam Dinh. Tuan own home in the city. Nam Dinh (Truong Thi Ward), you've wandered alone storage between, on the forehead and sides groin high paste antipyretic, see my mother crying, sobbing and demanding follow on. Too pity the child, her mother to ask for permission Ha grandmother (ie native Tuan) to welcome him back. When three people just get a taxi immediately telegraph Tuan's wife joined about 10 men working ferocious car to block the two women pulled the car from the car to use US weapons to rush into the first beat, in face, sharp sticks Tuan stabbed in the leg, causing her knees flashed United fainting. These people were snatching baby from her arms and carried States.Ms Hoa said there are many people around the area saw three people including the police, but no one dared to intervene, for fear of violent groups. After hit the mother and daughter and grandchildren reclaim storage, the objects discarded wear were lying in the field. Some people dare to put that time and her sister Ha Hoa emergency hospitalization. Mother and daughter United then report it to the City Police. Nam Dinh but not resolved.Until now, the mother and son were assaulted Ms. Ha has not been the agency responsible for resolving, I Phung Quoc Bao has not been returned to her by the court judgment. So suggest the relevant authorities to solve the case soon, her family Ha prescribed by law.

Young bride on her wedding day mourning bear

Relatives hide something so Ming unaware. The wedding ceremony took place normally to fulfill our wish of her parents died in an accident.

Around 16h 25/5, sister Tang Thi Minh (25 years old, resident of village 9, Vinh Son, Anh Son district, Nghe An) and new husband arrived home in Vinh Son commune, Anh Son district to bereaved parents after a day of Mr. Tang Van Quang and Nguyen Thi Thuy (last 51 years) died of tragic traffic accident in Thanh Hoa.

Throw backpacks at the gate, she cried Tang Thi Minh rushed sobbing embrace mother's photo and then collapsed: "Mom and Dad! Why not wait for you on ". Today is her wedding day but she did not know her parents were lost by everyone in the family agreed to hide all the information for the wedding has taken place.

Her husband Ming said: "Actually, we know families in distress just before the wedding. But the invitations have been sent, the restaurant was reserved, if postponed not know when the new organization was continued for bereaved family Ming too heavy. Then her brother said do not tell me quickly and said block out information, are done as two about right "younger sister .Anh Ming explained:" The pain was so great, if you know my conviction will skip the wedding but rushed home immediately. Parents died but certainly still wish my desire wedding day perfect place. Do whatever you know is not true, but I still told people to complete wedding celebration will notice. "Ms. Ming is the youngest child, was the pride of his family Square while a chief accountant of a company in Hanoi. Over a period of 3 years to learn, brothers and sisters were two family parties agreed to organize the wedding in 25/1 days.Expected timetable of the ceremony were siblings rather carefully prepared. 25/1 bright day, the boys will 5pm from Quang Ninh, about 8 would come to pick strawberries in Nguyen Khang, Cau Giay district (Hanoi) and the woman's family on Uong City (Quang Ninh) to celebrate son married at home.Because so far the girls have originated earlier than a day to everyone in the group had time to rest before attending the solemn feast of her daughter. So 11 days 24/1, Mr. Quang had rented a car carrying 13 people including tourists cousins ​​from Nghe An to Hanoi. Visit km506 on the Ho Chi Minh route, running through the territory of the village has always played, Xuan Quy, Nhu Xuan district (Thanh Hoa), vehicle accident occurred causing 9 passengers died, 3 injured.

                                                     Bride's parents coffin was brought home.

"First time on the car, the couple Quang also carefully instructed by custodians help homes for two days to celebrate vu Quang Ninh out provisions of daughters. Yet now barely bride to the husband the head was white team this mourning ", a neighbor sighed said.He Le Trong Vinh, 9 Hamlet village chief, said:" The morning before wedding daughters, he waved me in Quang warm thanks for sending greetings happy to daughter and son in law. With his promise I will do more together on the tray thank several cousins. No doubt the wedding has become the funeral ".26/1 morning, Colonel Nguyen Van Binh, deputy director of Thanh Hoa Provincial Police said investigating police agency would not prosecute this tragic accident. Initial survey results determine, on the journey carrying 13 people from Nghe An to Quang Ninh to the wedding, while Hoa Quy commune, Nhu Xuan district (Thanh Hoa province), Nguyen Huu Duyen (bus driver) Can supposedly fell asleep so lost driving to a car on the right slope. Startled, the male driver steering feverishly slant to the left lane, right at IFA trucks transporting sugarcane running the opposite direction are sloping up two cars crashing face.