Sunday, August 30, 2015

Keep 4 killer in the 71 truck bodies stuffed cause shock

Earlier, Austrian police discovered a truck abandoned on the motorway A4 near the border with Hungary on the morning of Thursday, 27.8. The truck filled with bodies who are in phase decomposition.Getting 4 for 71 bodies were stuffed in trucks in Austria

The truck contained 71 bodies were discovered decomposing on the highway Austria
Austrian police said Wednesday, the bodies of 71 migrants were taken off trucks left on the highway, from the border with Austria - Hungary 30 km. Migrants may have suffocated or dying of thirst from a day and a half or two days before.
Local police chief said, according to the papers found inside the vehicle can surmise this is migrants from Syria.
"Judging by our initial victims are immigrants, possibly from Syria," said Hans Peter Doskozil, provincial police chief Burgenland (Austria) said.
60 of the 71 victims were men. 8 dead were women, the rest are three children, aged respectively 2, 3 and 8.
The victims are believed to have died inside the car when it was crossing the border from Hungary into Austria.
Hans also said initial investigations showed that the two sides of the vehicle does not have ventilation holes.
The incident shocked the whole of Europe when the old continent is proving generally failed in handling the crisis as hundreds of thousands of immigrants poured in from the Middle East, Africa and Western Balkans since the beginning of 2014.
Only last month, the number of immigrants crossing the border in European countries has risen to a record high of 107,500 people. Many people had to pay huge sums for the traffickers to cross the border.
Highway truck Austria where detection is one of the main migration routes from East to West Europe, Austrian police said. Many migrants move from Turkey to Greece and then through the Balkans to Hungary. This way the risk is less than the Mediterranean Sea.
Thousands of migrants are believed to have been killed while trying to enter Europe through the streets of the Mediterranean. Newest, today Thursday, 8/27, hundreds of people may have died when two boats carrying migrants sank off the coast of Libya.

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