Sunday, August 30, 2015

The tragic lives of teen mothers India

Everyday life Ranjana Kumari of a little girl 16 years old in poor rural areas of India is a repetitive sequence of the job bored washing, breastfeeding and wrestle with housework. Kumari has no other choice because I was forced to become a single parent at age 15 because of rape and now have to care for children 11 months of his age.Kumari was the only girl in a family of carpentry in Bihar state of India. Before working single mom, she used to be a good student, with a promising future and many dreams of becoming a teacher. However, a big event that my life has changed completely and also shattered dreams in smoke.Tragic life of teenage mothers in India - 1

Ranjana Kumari 16, a victim of rape and 11 month old son.

In Kumari, 15, while on his way home from a festival was held at the school, she suddenly caught a man to a deserted area, gagging and raping. Kumari recalls: "It was around 3 pm, I was walking home from school alone, a man suddenly being dragged from behind". When was raped, she was still wearing his uniform on him. Name predators were gagging Kumari so she could not call for help and repeatedly raped for 30 minutes. After the crime, the threat name, Ranjana forbidden to disclose it outAt this point, realize new Kumari, rapists're the one more month before each knock on her door to raise money for a local music festival. "After I had about $ 2 donation, that guy started asking where my school name and school. He's a human capital, so I have little fear and honestly answer all questions, "said Ranjana. 5 days later, she started to notice this guy regularly take children to school. "I did not dare tell anyone for fear of insulting others is her skittish. In the village, people always pour sins on the head of the girl. "Tragedy struck on the head continued teenage girl is when she discovered she was pregnant after being raped on. After learning she was pregnant in the 4th month, she had to tell the truth with parents knowing will suffer the consequences. "An unmarried but pregnant girl in my village was a horrible thing because my whole family will be humiliated badly." Ranjana suffering.Tragic life of teenage mothers in India - 2
How Ranjana village not far away, another girl named Rukhsar also moi16 age, are in similar circumstances. "I was raped while in class. Name predators is a person in the village and we have to call him uncle, "said Rukhsar. "Uncle" has referred to a class Rukhsar and acting immorally towards her. Although much pain physically and mentally, but the girl did not dare tell the parents of fear will not continue to go to school. Now, Rukhsar to stay home and care for the boy is just 3 months old, is the result of rape earlier times at school.Ranjana and Rukhsar just 2 of the many cases of "teenage mother reluctantly" in the eastern states of India today. The little girl after rape horror continues to grapple with the worst consequences like to single born and raised unwanted children, can not continue with school trouble walking resume or tragedy than can not find a possible future husband. The "teenage mothers" have suffered many tragic stories pile from a young age, which the British Daily Mail called the "shame of Indian culture".The perpetrators cause the tragedy on to easily escape legal punishment by giving the compensation agreement with the victims' families. In many cases, the victim is forced to accept the amount of compensation and not be denounced to the policeTragic life of teenage mothers in India - 3
Even, many rape victims in India are willing to silence, to forget the incident as perpetrators expect to marry her. Mr. Mohammad Farooque Alan, social workers in the state of Bihar, said the arrest of the perpetrators of rape are delays in India partly because the victims feared to denounce, or parents expect victims perpetrators will marry his daughter. For example Ranjana's case, she said: "When my parents knew the truth, they went straight to the house of that name. My father was begging him to accept the baby and marry me but that guy just said that I lied and threatened to kill me. At that time, I understand, his life as ended ".However, the girl refused to abortion, saying, keep your child may benefit the arrests the predators in the future or make him move the recollection that turned her wedding.Ranjana birth at a hospital in August last year. Now, she was at home all day to take the shirking society and feel inferior, ashamed of having a child is the result of a rape."I look at the baby and cry every day. The lives of the two of us were completely ruined. There will be no man would dare to love and care for my mother anymore. I know what to say to me when he grows up. Though not know how dark the future but I still have to live on, "said Ranjana upset.

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