Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Shocked with the man fell to the ground from the 8th floor but just bruised foot

According to The Star newspaper reported on Friday 7/6 evening, a man (not disclose names) was only slightly bruised fall straight down to the ground from the 8th floor of the apartment complex in Bagan Ajam town, in the state Penang, Malaysia.Latest news update, this man is an advertising staff, coming from Kuala Lumpur city. For ease of travel, he and another couple rented an apartment in the 10-storey apartment building in Bagan Ajam. Livelihoods increasingly difficult made him have expressed depression. Currently, it is unclear why he fell from the eighth floor of the building are living.

Numerous people gathered at the scene and was amazed to see men (thumbnail) not only unhurt but weeping phoned his father.It was told by a local resident living near where the incident occurred, when sitting in the room, suddenly heard a loud noise so I immediately ran to the parking lot at the apartment to find out and then feel incredible truth before the final results because he thought the victim did not survive.One other neighbor said: "I saw him crying and lying on his back on the ground. The ambulance arrived very quickly and immediately transported him to hospital. "Official information from Abdul Rahman Ibrahim Sheriff Seberang Prai district said the main character in this bizarre incident experienced mental illness treatment at Selayang Hospital.

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