Sunday, August 30, 2015

Appalled with deformed fetuses stomach parasites on boys

According to medical journals APSP by the Organization of pediatric surgery Pakistan released in 2011, a boy was born healthy with a meat block excess located in epigastric region. Through research, be aware this is a deformed fetus or can be called a fish parasite attached to the body of the boy. Then when the baby was hospitalized just turned 1 month old.

fetal malformation
Apart deformed body, boys still have quite a stable health and weight 5kg property. The parents and the baby's siblings have absolutely no health problems.Tests later showed parasitic fetus size 6 x 4cm is only just in the embryonic stage of initial formation. It also has a head, arms, legs and external genitals. Individual person twin boys have developed over cons of epigastric hernia where the intestine. In addition, the doctors did not find any signs of calcified fetus.Do your body and individual boys are not common parasitic organs should doctors conducted surgery to remove this type of conjoined fetuses. Fortunately, surgery is deformed fetus separated out was successful and the baby was discharged after 8 days.

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