Sunday, August 30, 2015

Surprise find gold warehouse seabed from wreck

Among the gold coins found at the sea bottom yellow warehouse, has both copper Escudo rare and valuable capital is offered to the king of Spain.
Known gold found in project salvage 5 days only a small part of a larger treasure. Selected location to salvage quite close to the previously discovered artifacts.
William Bartlett, a diver, said, "The gold coins looked as if they had just fallen into the sea only yesterday."
William says his hobby is diving, so he did not treasure hunt for the money and refused to disclose the amount of money that he received from treasure million on.
William was one of many divers have contracts with companies to salvage the wreck in 1715 Fleet-Queens Jewels, which owns this ancient wreck.
Gold warehouse seabed to back from 1715 when a fleet of 11 boats were sunk storm en route from Havana to Spain. A variety of rare artifacts are now scattered all over the bottom of the water in the eastern coast.

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